Scratch intro material: Lesson 1 (Dutch)

Scratch intro material: Lesson 1 (Dutch)
Blog3 Comments on Scratch intro material: Lesson 1 (Dutch)

Scratch intro material: Lesson 1 (Dutch)

For my recent research adventures into programming for kids, I have made a small intro into Scratch programming. As a good teacher I of course did not like the existing material 🙂 Also, I needed something that introduced all necessary concepts for my experiment.


In this lesson we need to help Giga escape a maze by getting to the key. Want to check it out? Go here: Doolhof Start and then follow the instructions here: ScratchIntro.

It is Creative Commons, free to use and remix. It is in Dutch though!

3 thoughts on “Scratch intro material: Lesson 1 (Dutch)

  1. Paul says:

    Lijkt me leuk, maar hoe begin ik? Ik ben naar gegaan, maar hoe kom ik aan het doolhof waar de tutorial mee begint? Ik zie alleen een leeg veld met Scratch de kat.

    1. felienne says:

      Goed punt Paul! Het startprogramma staat hier: Heb het ook in de tekst aangepast.

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