Author: felienne


A new skill means seeing new things

Something amazing happened to me recently! I started knitting again, something that I have not done for years! I used to really love knitting as a kid and a teenager even. I knitted sweaters for my neighbor’s baby and even sweaters, hats and scarfs for myself. Just asked my mom to find a picture of […]


Coding, Reading, and Writing: Integrated Instruction in Written Language — Steven L. Tanimoto

Steven created a programming system called Kokopelli’s World, a programming system to teach children with a learning disability about coding and writing, at the same time! This system, based on Google Blokly, is aimed at children that have oral language ability and some reading ability, and had children play with Kokopelli’s world for 90 minutes […]


Using (Bio)Metrics to Predict Code Quality Online — Sebastian C. Müller

How to write good code? We have code reviews, automatic quality approaches, but reviews take a lot of time and effort and automatic approaches can result in many false positives. What to do? What about measuring a developers cognitive load? From previous research, we know that cognitive load can be estimated using biometric sensors. Sebastian […]

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