Author: felienne


Feedback on Desiderius [Desiderius part 11b]

I got me some feedback! Who knew, after 11 posts, people starting reading my posts and tweeting me feedback and ideas. @Felienne in F# can you do ` List.sortBy (helper.getRank) hand` instead of `List.sortBy (fun x-> helper.getRank(x)) hand`? — Daan van Berkel (@daan_van_berkel) March 6, 2016 Turns out, you can! That makes my code a bit […]


Playing in F# [Desiderius part 11]

Last week I reluctantly shared the ugle initial C# version of my simple playing AI “nextCard”. Today, let’s look at the nicer version. One of the first things I did in F# was make getSuit and getRank helpers: let getSuit (c: Desi.Card) : Desi.Suit = match c with | Desi.Card (s,r) -> s let getRank (c: […]


Simply the best

Being the best, it is a topic I heard about a lot this week. At the Oscars, in the American presidential race and closer to home in a discussion on diversity at my research group. Should we give an Oscar to a black actor? Should you vote for Hillary because she is woman? Should we […]


More playing [Desiderius part 10]

Last week I explained how I made part of the Game logic, first in C# and then in F#. This week I will zoom in a bit on the Player’s logic which I too made in C# first, in a train, to impress @tcoopman. A player needs to be able to play cards. Duh! Initially, […]


Scratch Intro material: Lesson 2 (Dutch)

The kids at my robotics club loved playing with my first Scratch lesson, so I made a second lesson. In this lesson, little fish Gerrie needs to eat all purple fishes, while not touching the poisonous dotted fish.   The kids really liked it, even the one that missed last week’s lesson picked it up quickly. They ended […]

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