Author: felienne


SCAM 2013

I am part of the organizing team of this year’s IEEE Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), I cordially invite you to submit recent work and to join in to discuss recent advances in our field. We welcome research as well as tool papers in the areas of program transformation abstract interpretation […]


The future

Still cannot believe how awesome this looks. Today, I am very proud to announce that I will spend (at least) the next 5 years being an assistant professor at the Software Engineering Research Group in Delft. What will you be working on? I will continue to research spreadsheets. As you might know, my group just got a […]


SCORE 2013

I will be in the program committee for the Student Contest on Software Engineering (SCORE) 2013. SCORE is a worldwide competition for undergraduate and master’s level students. It emphasizes the engineering aspects of software development, not limited to programming. Student teams participating in the contest will devise and implement data-intensive applications that exploit Open Data. To take […]

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