Author: felienne


TV: SchoolTV

This morning, I was the studio guest at SchoolTV, a Dutch national educational television show for kids aged 11-12, to talk about robot research at Delft University and about FIRST Lego League. Click the screen shot to watch the video, I enter at about 25 minutes in.



Yesterday I defended my PhD thesis, and the wonderful @grammarware made public notes of all questions that I was asked. Also, I made a Storify with all tweets (also many by @grammarware)   [<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Dr. Felienne” on Storify</a>]


Proposition #9

“A valorisation center is useless by definition: valorisation is a state of mind that should be spread throughout an entire organization.” You might wonder what I mean with valorisation, as this is not a very well known concept outside of universities (and even within). The term originally comes from Karl Marx and basically means it […]

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