Author: felienne


Proposition #5

“For user studies in software engineering holds: it is better to have one user in the field, than ten in the lab.” Runkel & McGrath have proposed a four-quadrant taxonomy of empirical methods with two axes, obtrusive vs. unobtrusive and abstract vs. concrete. They further add three different criteria we might have for our methods, generalizability, precision, and realism. [1] Many artifacts in software engineering are validated with […]


My dissertation

For those interested, my dissertation is available on FigShare! Questions or remarks? Feel free to post below. If you don’t feel like digging through hundreds of pages of spreadsheet goodness, the following slide deck presents a quick overview. An overview of my PhD research from Felienne Hermans I printed by thesis with and I […]


Proposition #4

“If conferences and journals start to employ crowd reviewing, this will increase both the speed and quality of reviews” A bit of background for those not in academia, or even not in computer science, as publishing practices differ over different field. First of all, we CS people publish long papers with new results in conferences and […]


Proposition #3

The fact that papers are written for the audience of critical reviewers hinders adoption: possible users are not aware of academic mores and will be discouraged by described limitations. With adoption in this context, I mean that people outside of your direct group of colleagues and acquaintances will use your algorithm/tool/method. I pose that the way papers are written currently […]

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