This week’s unsolicited advice is about teachers. You can find all columns via Spotify, this edition can be found here: Listen to this column on BNR (Dutch)Listen to this column on Spotify (Dutch) Teachers! Last weekend I read a great piece in the NRC, editor Patricia Veldhuis spent the past year as a special intern […]
Unbelievable AI
Time for a new Unsolicited Advice column this week! You can follow all Unsolicited Advice via Spotify, you can find this edition here: This column on BNR (Dutch)This column on Spotify (Dutch) An “incredible” video this week on Twitter/X: Wow!! With the app HeyGen you can effortlessly speak multiple languages! Alexander Klopping says something in […]
The robots are coming…
This is my third post in my BNR column Unsolicited Advice! You can follow all Unsolicited Advice via Spotify, this edition can be found here: This column on BNR (Dutch)This column on Spotify (Dutch) (after feedback on previous posts, the links are now at the top instead of at the bottom) Let’s talk about the […]
A Framework for the Localization of Programming Languages
We have a new paper coming out at SPLASH-E in October. You can now read the final paper, and find the paper in the ACM library (doi: 10.1145/3622780.3623645). Programming is English I have been working on programming education for quite some time, and while I have studied several ways in which that is hard, I […]
Digital rights for kids
Since this week I have a weekly column on BNR, called Unsolicited Advice (Ongevraagd Advies)! I do this column together with a number of others who do the column on other days. You can follow all Ongevraagd Advies via Spotify (in Dutch), I will add links to my column at the bottom. I’m going to […]