Author: felienne


Programming for everyone

Today, I received a a SURF Teaching award for Teacher of the Year! The jury is celebrating my online courses “with a total of 250,000 students in her MOOCs, Hermans’s work reaches far beyond TU Delft”. They also praise my original, innovative and innovative way of teaching that provides a significant contribution to the ICT […]


Teaching with Python Koans

Intro How to teach introductory programming? It is a question that keeps many programming teachers occupied and has been a topic of scientific research from the seventies to more recent days. Not only the choice of programming language and the topics of exercises are of interest, but also the form of teaching. Do we try […]


To Scratch or not to Scratch?!

Plugged or unplugged? There is a lot to be said about how to teach programming, and a lot it said, also by me 🙂 One of the questions is whether we should start programming on the computer immediately, or start with programming lesson without the computers, also called unplugged. And of course I also like […]


Do High and Low Performing Student Teams Use Scrum Differently in Capstone Projects? — Maria Paasivaara

And another talk about capstone projects, really cool! This paper compares high and low performing team and see how they use scrum. The project setup is very similar to the previous talk. The highest and lowest performing 4 teams were compared. High performance teams use the backlog more and communicatie with the product owner more, […]

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