Author: felienne


Programming is Writing is Programming

Do you know that joke about two little fishes that swim into an older fish? He asks the young fishes how the water is, and they respond: “what’s water?”. The little fishes live and breath water, so they have no clue that it is even a thing. I love this joke and I often try to […]



Recently, I have been really interested in the question what programming really is, and how we can practice getting better at it. I explored many weird things, like the relationship between code and painting. I gave a workshop in Cambridge where people got artwork styles, like Rococo, Graffiti and Expressionism, and they had to create an […]


Teaching Software Engineering Principles to K-12 Students: A MOOC on Scratch

There are many many tools, books, games and apps to teach children programming. But in our view they focus way to much on getting the programs to work, and too little on teaching children about software engineering skills: programming is a good way, free of code smells, and easy to read. To address this, we […]


Authors and reviewers’ opinions on double blind @ICSME Industry Track

In a previous post I explained why Jens and me, as chairs of the ICSME industry track, decided to use double blind reviewing. In order to understand the impact of this, we made a survey and asked authors and reviewers for input. From the authors, 16 responded and from the reviewers we got 13 answers. We […]

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