In March, I blogged about the industry track of ICSME (the international conference on software maintenance and evolution), offering advice on how to write a paper for an industry focused track. In this track, we did something relatively new in software engineering conferences, we used a double blind reviewing process. In this blog post, I […]
What science says about naming
A few weeks ago Peter Hilton and I recorded a Software Engineering Radio podcast on naming and during and after the interview, we wondered: what does science say?! To start with, science agrees with us that naming matters. In the source code of Eclipse (about 2 MLoC) 33% of the tokens and 72% of characters are devoted […]
How to get “strangers” to answer my emails on clarifications or collaborations?
Yup, that is a tough one! I have both gotten and received those emails. I think there are three details that are often omitted from such emails, decreasing the changes of a response. These are: What do you want? I think the biggest reason not to answer to an email for me, is that there […]
Doctoral symposium questions
This week the FSE doctoral symposium was held, and Gail Murphy, who was the keynote, has students write down questions on their minds. In this post, and a few to follow, I will try to answer them or point to answers that are already online. In this post are all the questions (thanks students for […]
Why I am canceling my trip to the US next week
So, I was supposed to go to the US next week for FSE, but I am not. I am cancelling because of Trump. Why? On a philosophical note. There is a famous musical in the Netherlands about a famous resistance hero (that actually existed) called Soldaat van Oranje (Soldier of Orange) It is a typical story […]