Code smells, we all know them, and they are bad 🙂 We know from research on professional developers that code smell can make performance on reading and maintaining code worse. So the question we wanted to answer was: does this hold for novice users programming Scratch as well? tr;dr: Yes! Code clones and long methods […]
Moving the BPN logic from C# to F# [Desiderius part #13]
Like I wrote about a few weeks back, all the refactorings made me reflect on some names. It started out simple, as I said three weeks back, Desi.Player I had in F# (so the type, not the class) should be called something like “direction” as it represents just where the players are. I think this is […]
So you want to tell the scientist about the real world?
This year, I am chairing the ‘industry track’ of ICSME: the international conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, and you, yes you can be a part of this. In the regular, research, track, we are looking for paper that have made a novel contribution, for example a new algorithm to detect duplication in source code. […]
A tale on testing [Desiderius part #12]
Last week I wrote a post on transforming the playing logic from C# to F#, and, I admit it, I testing neither. In my defense: I was in a hurry 🙂 So, I added a few tests now, and what do you know? First test, first bug found! In a previous post I talked about on transforming an […]
Feedback on Desiderius [Desiderius part 11b]
I got me some feedback! Who knew, after 11 posts, people starting reading my posts and tweeting me feedback and ideas. @Felienne in F# can you do ` List.sortBy (helper.getRank) hand` instead of `List.sortBy (fun x-> helper.getRank(x)) hand`? — Daan van Berkel (@daan_van_berkel) March 6, 2016 Turns out, you can! That makes my code a bit […]