Steven created a programming system called Kokopelli’s World, a programming system to teach children with a learning disability about coding and writing, at the same time! This system, based on Google Blokly, is aimed at children that have oral language ability and some reading ability, and had children play with Kokopelli’s world for 90 minutes […]
Using (Bio)Metrics to Predict Code Quality Online — Sebastian C. Müller
How to write good code? We have code reviews, automatic quality approaches, but reviews take a lot of time and effort and automatic approaches can result in many false positives. What to do? What about measuring a developers cognitive load? From previous research, we know that cognitive load can be estimated using biometric sensors. Sebastian […]
Code for a fitness function for bidding systems [Desiderius part #18]
Last week I wrote about my strategy for creating the fitness function data, and now, I have really written the code! So, here goes. We create a deck of cards and select 13 random ones. //make a list with (all) 52 cards let theWholeDeck = cartesian allCardSuits allRanks //get one random hand and the rest of […]
F# versus C#: What are the differences?
tl;dr We are interested in understanding the differences between C# and F#. If you work on a project that has both C# and F# and you want to help science, we would love to monitor your IDE usage and ask your a few questions too. Just download kave, and program like no one is watching for […]
Bernie in the streets, Hillary in the proceed’s
Today I am part of the “Leaders of Tomorrow Symposium” at SANER 2016. I got to present my past and future work (I’ll add a link to the talk here later, it will be on YT) but I was also asked to give some tips to aspiring future leaders, by answering the question: So here […]