Today I am part of the “Leaders of Tomorrow Symposium” at SANER 2016. I got to present my past and future work (I’ll add a link to the talk here later, it will be on YT) but I was also asked to give some tips to aspiring future leaders, by answering the question: So here […]
Modeling answers [Desiderius part 6]
In a scary number of previous posts I have talked about modeling a bidding system for bridge. But so far, we have only designed the part where one player looks at their hand and decides what to do. But, as always, the reality is more complex. The bidding of course is an interaction between two […]
Using a visual language to create better spreadsheets – Bas Jansen
Bas shows a real spreadsheet that he uses in his daily work as accountant. Just 1 spreadsheet file, with 52 worksheets, but references to 70 external worksheets! 26.038 cells The process is usually as follows: A company uses an ERP system, on which the out a data warehouse for reporting. But, people grab flat tables […]
Bogdan Dit – How to Effectively Use Topic Models for Software Engineering Tasks? An Approach Based on Genetic Algorithms
Over the past few years, many techniques have been proposed to gather topics from documents, among which Latent Dirichlet Allocation. These authors propose to use LDA for traceability link recovery, feature location, and software artifact labeling. However, the standard version of LDA does not work so well on source code. Luckily, there is good news, as source […]
The truth!
“If you want something to be done, get a busy person to do it.” – Lucille Ball