The Programmer’s Brain covers everything that programmers should know about how their brains work, to make their work more effective and empathetic. The book teaches techniques for speed reading code, understanding highly complex code, and choosing better variable names.

Press & Interviews
I keep a list of interviews about the book here. Are you interested to talk to me about the book? Feel free to reach out.
- QCon talk video and transcript at InfoQ (April 2022)
- Legacy Code Rocks podcast (April 2022)
- Dotnetcore Podcast (April 2022)
- The Challenges of Reading Code and How to Deal with Them at InfoQ (Dec 2021)
- Techlab podcast (October 2021)
- AG Connect (September 2021, Dutch)
- SE Radio (June 2021) <- yeah I was a guest for once!
- Maintainable software (April 2021)
- Parent Driven Development (March 2021)
- Strange Loop chat (March 2021)
- SE Unlocked (February 2021)
- Immutable Conversations (January 2021)
- 6 figure developer (January 2021)
- Think. Design. Work Smart. Videos series (December 2020)
- Nicolas Carlo on his blog Understanding Legacy Code
- Marabesi Matheus on LinkedIn
- Vicki Boykis on her blog Data, Tech and sometimes Nutella
- Rody Middelkoop on Twitter
- Greg Wilson on Twitter
Infographic by Yoan Thirion