
Proposition #9

“A valorisation center is useless by definition: valorisation is a state of mind that should be spread throughout an entire organization.” You might wonder what I mean with valorisation, as this is not a very well known concept outside of universities (and even within). The term originally comes from Karl Marx and basically means it […]


Proposition #8

“In applied sciences like software engineering, PhD students should not work at the university full time.” This proposition relates somewhat to Proposition #5. I think it is very important for researchers in software engineering to connect with practice. Doing industrial case studies is one option, but I want to go even further, I think young researchers […]


Proposition #7

“Initiatives to attract women to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) should focus on teachers and parents instead of on women.”  Recently, I was talking to high school girls about my profession, for the Dutch Spiegelbeeld program, a database with female role models who work in technology and they told me that often their parents actively […]

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