
Proposition #1

The core reasons for the success of spreadsheets are their immediate feedback system and their continuous deployment model. Spreadsheets are enormously successful. It is estimated that 95% of all US companies use spreadsheets for financial reporting (1). In the eighties  spreadsheets became “the medium, the method, the tool, and the language of financial analysis” (2) This success raises the […]


Project #tweetprop

On January 23 I will defend my dissertation. In the Netherlands, this is mainly a ceremonial thing. The 8 committee members review your thesis beforehand and you are allowed to print it before the defense. As Dutch tradition has it, you will not only be defending your dissertation, but also a number of propositions. Some […]


LIVE 2013

I will be in the program committee of LIVE 2013, an all new ICSE workhop. We want to leverage the current interest in live programming by bringing together researchers and practitioners to collaborate and learn from each other. The term live programming is a catchphrase for programming systems that abandon the traditional edit-compile-run cycle in […]

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