
LIVE 2013

I will be in the program committee of LIVE 2013, an all new ICSE workhop. We want to leverage the current interest in live programming by bringing together researchers and practitioners to collaborate and learn from each other. The term live programming is a catchphrase for programming systems that abandon the traditional edit-compile-run cycle in […]


Tweets about my strataconf talk Coolest fucking talk at #strataconf, it is about spreadsheets and how people use them — Francis Irving (@frabcus) October 2, 2012 Felienne Hermans at Strata London 2012. #strataconf. Great talk about spreadsheets! — Ken Snyder (@yankeeinlondon) October 2, 2012 @Felienne fabulous presentation, one of the best! Thank you — Edd Wilder-James (@edd) October 2, […]


Changing science with figshare

I have been a fan of figshare since their launch a few months back, but when I ran into their founder at Strata in London yesterday, I considered this a sign I should spend a post on their great initiative. So, here goes: What is figshare? FigShare is basically a website where scientists can store their […]

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