Our mini-paper ‘Exact and Near-miss Clone Detection in Spreadsheets’ was accepted in the first volume of TinyToCS. Tiny Transactions on Computer Science is a cute new initiative started by two researchers from the University of California in Berkeley, that aims to make computer science research more accessible to the general public. In their own words: “Tiny […]
Implication of Data Quality for Spreadsheet Analysis
by Donald P. Ballou, Harold L. Pazer, Salvatore Belardo and Barbara Klein —School of Business-State University of New York at Albany This paper describes the implication errors in spreadsheet data can have, and they kick of with some nice observations in the intro: Intro However, the obvious problem of the impact of faulty data on spreadsheet computations […]
Detecting Code Smells in Spreadsheet Formulas
We just learned this paper is accepted at ICSM 2012. The idea The basic idea of this paper is to investigate whether we could apply the known code smells invented by Martin Fowler in his book Refactoring to spreadsheet formulas. You could view a formula as a small piece of code, so it makes sense to […]
Related work section for a paper
This paper concerns the analysis of data in spreadsheets, focusing on duplication of data. So, how do I do this? Spreadsheet data I visit DBLP (contains 2014228 papers) and enter spreadsheet data, this results in 44 results. I notice two very interesting paper that do not have to do with the related work section I am writing, but […]
When do people change behavior? When it’s worth it to them. And they know how to change – @johannarothman @paulambro