Since @intertoys has not responded to the controversy around their brochure, I have sent them a letter. I’ll keep you posted on whether they respond (English translation below) Het is vast niet aan uw aandacht ontsnapt dat er gisteren wat rumoer is ontstaan over een van jullie folders. De bovenstaande afbeelding werd getwitterd door @Hannabervoets, […]
My TED top picks
In prepration of my TEDx talk Monday, today I watched two of my favorite TED talks. I selected these two. First watch them, and then read why I love them, because I might bias you 🙂 Dean Kamen on inventing and giving ( Hasan Elahi on getting tracked by the FBI ( Okay, have you […]
Article on Silicon Summit in Dutch Financial Newspaper
The FD posted a item on Silicon Summit today, including a paragraph on my ‘perfect pitch’ It makes me very happy to read this 🙂
Interview on IdeaMensch
I was interviewed about Infotron by IdeaMensch. For the full story click the image.