
Code Reading Club

There is a lot to be said about learning to program, what languages to use, what didactics to use, to learn it in a university or in a boot camp, but one thing I think is similar in all those situations: a strong focus on creating code, very often ‘green-field’ code, starting from a specification […]


Forms of notional machines

While working on the definition of notional machines at Dagstuhl, we realized that there might be different forms of notional machines! Just to streamline my own thinking, I am describing four different forms here. This post is not meant to be complete! Let me reiterate that our current understanding of a notional machine is: “A […]


The tyranny of fun in education

Fun in education is important! We hear this opinion a lot, and yesterday I saw a tweet from “Richard Feynman”* and this made me think about how bad of an idea this is. If you’re not having fun, you’re not learning. There’s a pleasure in finding things out. pic.twitter.com/NDBn2awrNL — Prof. Feynman (@ProfFeynman) October 10, 2018 […]

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