
Thinking out of the Box: Comparing metaphors for variables in programming education

A long time ago, almost a year now, we had the opportunity to conduct a research study at Nemo Science Live. With Science Live, researchers can perform small scientific experiments on visitors of the Nemo Science Museum in Amsterdam, which is a great and relatively easy way to find participants. If you are a Dutch researcher […]


Code Phonology

If you have been following my posts and talks the last few months, you will have seen “programming is writing” in some places already (for example in this post or this video) In these posts I argue that the process of programming is like the process of writing. In both you create something from a […]


Experimental Methods in Neuroscience and Cognition – Igor Crk and Andrew Begel

This talk is about what we can learn from neuroscience and cognition. We humans have a part of the brain called the cerebral cortex for memory and speech processing and other things cats do not have 🙂 EEG By looking at what parts of the brain light up, we can learn what type of things […]

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