Sometimes people write, blog, post, or talk about me or my research, I try to keep a list here.
Missed one? Let me know!
- Coolcat Teacher Podcast, on Hedy
- Parenting Understood Podcast, on Hedy
- Hedy, a progressive programming language for kids, Once a maintainer, on Hedy and open source
- ‘If you learn how AI works, you can adjust your choices accordingly’, Holland Herald, on my research and the impact of software on the world
- Stilleven, met de stofzuiger als huisdier, Netwerk Mediawijsheid, on Hedy (Dutch)
- ‘Weten hoe programmeren werkt, maakt je veel weerbaarder tegen onzinnige ideeën’, Parool, on my research
- Candid Conversations Podcast, on Hedy and open source
- Jan Willem Start Op, Interview on Radio 2 about the new EU AI Act (Dutch)
- Theo Maassen, denk eens aan deze Zomergasten: Rami, Cynthia en Felienne, Volkskrant, on Hedy (Dutch)
- De macht van het scherm, BNR Big Five, on various topics surrounding the power of software and software companies (Dutch)
- ‘Wilt u 50 euro extra betalen voor een mens? Toets 1’, Volkskrant, On ChatGPT’s impact on society (Dutch)
- Risico’s van de AI-oorlog en een stukje metaverse voor kinderen, BNR Nexus, on various tech topics (Dutch)
- Verbieden of juist omarmen, die tekstrobot in het onderwijs?, NRC, on ChatGPT in education (Dutch)
- BNR Werkverkenners, BNR, on ChatGPT (Dutch)
- Felienne Hermans appointed professor Computer Science Education, VU, on my appointment
- Vrouwen in tech, lootboxes en Apple’s auto, BNR nieuwsradio, on women in tech (Dutch)
- Zelfs doorgewinterde developers kunnen leren beter te programmeren, Tweakers, on my book and Hedy (Dutch)
- Best Practices for Naming Variables: What the Research Shows, the New Stack, on my NWIT talk.
- Programmeren als schoolvak naast wiskunde en Engels, BNR nieuwsradio, on Hedy and teaching programming to everyone (Dutch)
- Verplicht leren programmeren, Pictio podcast, on programming education (Dutch)
- De wereld van leren programmeren, Wondere Wereld, on Hedy (Dutch)
- Une scientifique propose un nouveau langage de programmation pour enseigner aux enfants le codage informatique, Developpez, On Hedy (French)
- Scientist Proposes a New Programming Language For Teaching Coding (and Python), SlashDot, On Hedy.
- Kinderen verantwoord afleiden tijdens het thuiswerken? Leer ze programmeren!, Universiteit Leiden, On Hedy. (Dutch/English)
- Goed in talen? Dan ben je waarschijnlijk ook goed in programmeren, NewScientist, On my research into reading code aloud (Dutch)
- When Spreadsheets Attack!, Stand-up Maths, On my spreadsheet work
- I&I Conferentie, KomensyPost, On a talk I gave (Dutch)
- Highlights from StrangeLoop, TwoSigma, On my Strangeloop talk
- Met programmeren kun je niet vroeg genoeg beginnen, Kennisnet Podcast, On my research (Dutch)
- Wildgroei aan techniekpromotie kan ook averechts werken, AG Connect, Interviewed as expert on programming education (Dutch)
- The mission of Felienne Hermans, Leiden University, On my new research group.
- Innovatieve TU-docente wint SURF Onderwijsaward, AD, On my SURF award (Dutch)
- Kinderen leren programmeren, Delft op Zondag, On programming for kids.(Dutch)
- Programming is Writing is Programming, Channel 9. On programming for kids.
- Wat als we iedereen leren programmeren, BNR Nieuwsradio (Dutch)
- Daring vision and innovation for extraordinary results in Educate the World Screenshot
- Seeing Programming Where Other People Don’t with Felienne Hermans, Greater than code podcast. On all my research from spreadsheets to Scratch.
- Programmeren op je gevoel, Carla Desain in Vives Magazine. On programming for visually impaired children (Dutch) PDF

- Software Engineering for Kids, and with spreadsheets, that’s Felienne. AmsXtech Medium. On all my research from spreadsheets to Scratch.
- ‘Scheikunde is ouderwets.’ Daarom dus nu codeerkunde in NRC. On the MOOC for kids (Dutch)
- Online cursus levert nieuwe inzichten op in leergedrag kinderen in Nationale Onderwijsgids. On the MOOC for kids (Dutch)
- Online cursus programmeren levert nieuwe inzichten op in leergedrag kinderen in Emerce. On the MOOC for kids (Dutch)
- Online cursus programmeren levert nieuwe inzichten op in leergedrag kinderen in Delft op Zondag. On the MOOC for kids (Dutch)
- Spreadsheets are dead, long live reactive programming environments!, Stencila Blog. Links to my Strangeloop talk.
- From Gamification to Blended Learning, Quadraad. On my MOOC and experiences with Flipping the Classroom
- Exploring Code Smells in code written by Children with Dr. Felienne, Hanselminutes podcast. On my Scratch research
- Code met een luchtje eraan: Onderzoek toont aan hoe belangrijk het is om netjes te programmeren, Vives. On my Scratch research
- Online Learning, hiidenranta personal blog. On Expector
- Excel is dead. Long live Excel, Acuity. On my spreadsheet research
- Functional Excel and Graphical Languages, Channel 9, On my spreadsheet research
- Online cursus ‘data analysis’ is beste onderwijsinnovatieproject in Europa, Nationale Onderwijsgids On my Wharton Award. (Dutch)
- Onderwijsprijs voor online cursus Felienne Hermans, Emerce On my Wharton Award (Dutch)
- Education award for Felienne Hermans’ online course, TU Delft. On my Wharton Award
- Gratis bijspijkeren, C Stories. On the Excel MOOC (Dutch)
- Interview Neo4J PodCast, Neo4J PodCast. On using Neo4J
- Applying Software Engineering Methods to Spreadsheets, InfoQ, On my spreadsheet research
- #tweetprop, Sara Polak’s personal blog. On my idea to tweet PhD propositions
- Het laptopcollege kan niet zonder echte docenten, NRC. On Flipping the Classroom (Dutch)

- Excel-les aan the hele wereld (Dutch), ComputerIdee (On the MOOC)
- 21 things you should know about VLOOKUP, ExcelJet (On the VLOOKUP paper)
- Spreadsheets are graphs too, Neo4J Blog (On using Neo4J for spreadsheet analysis)
- Spreadsheets are code, Coding the Markets (On my research in general)
- Spreadsheets – 90+ million End User Programmers With No Comment Tracking or Version Control, Balisage Conference (On my dissertation work and Enron paper)
- A testing time for spreadsheets, Financial Times Podcast (On the Enron paper)
- Spreadsheets are code: EuSpRIG conference, ScraperWiki Blog (On my research in general)
- Spreadsheets Are An Awesome Functional Programming Tool, Lucas Reis Personal Blog (On my research in general)
- New thinking on spreadsheets, IT Director (On my research in general)
- Enron becomes unlikely data source for computer science researchers, (On the Enron paper)
- Teaching Excel and data analysis—one professor’s efforts to prepare students for today’s careers, Office Blog (on the MOOC)

- A university professor looks to teach the lost art of Microsoft Excel, WinBeta (on the MOOC)
- Stupid errors in spreadsheets could lead to Britain’s next corporate disaster, Telegraph. On the Enron case. PDF
- Companies could lose billions because of crappy spreadsheets, Business Insider. On the Enron case
- Things I learned at Open Data Festival, (On applying SE techniques to spreadsheet analysis)
- Why Spreadsheets Stink — and 4 Ways to Improve Them, GovTech (On spreadsheet smell detection and refactoring)
- Strata Highlights, GovTech (On my Strata talk)
- Who is testing the spreadsheets?, YouTube (On spreadsheet testing)
- New visualization tools can spot weaknesses in error-prone spreadsheets, TechTarget (On my Strata talk)
- DDDBE meetup #2 – Legacy Inferno, Tom’s ramblings (On a presentation I gave on my PhD work at DDDBE)
- Recensie boek: Flip your classroom, ICT Nieuws (Dutch) (I reviewed a book on the flipped classroom)
- Implementing a Turing machine in Excel, BoingBoing (On the Excel Turing Machine)
- Infotron: Felienne Hermans Embraces Errors, Shows How to Solve the Spreadsheets Problem, technet (On my dissertation and company)
- SchoolTV (On the First Lego League)
- =Spreadsheets(Business, Risico), Bits & Chips (On spreadsheet testing)
- Twitter op de TU, TU Delta (On the use of Twitter during my PhD defense)
- PigData, CommonAccord (On my Strata Keynote)
- Supporting Professional Spreadsheet Users by Generating Leveled Dataflow Diagrams, Never Work Theory (On the ICSE 2011 paper)
leuk stukje in de Volkskrant
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